We are always on the lookout for new legal content to stream!

Currently streaming:

  • In Case You Missed It - Law - a podcast digest of links shared on law-themed Mastodon instances
  • Esquiring Minds - a podcast by three fellers, including the creator of esqstream.com, Andrew (@andrew@esq.social), bantering about the law but never providing legal advice
  • Another Way - Another Way is a weekly podcast about how we can get reforming and improving our democracy front and center. This season, Larry Lessig and the Equal Citizens team will be talking to politicians, authors, activists, and more to bring you in-depth information about the For The People Act, the most significant fair elections bill in generations, and what you can do to help pass it.

We are always looking for new content. If you have a legal podcast or other legal audio content that you think our audience would be interested in, please get in touch!